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It was a long term dream of mine to move to the Chartreuse mountains near Grenoble. I simply feel better when surrounded by mountains. In 2017 I quit my lecturing & training job in the UK to do exactly that. Live there. I started off spending my time mainly running and learning French.

But after a severe injury during the World Championships Ultra Trail Running in 2018, I was forced to take (a lot of) time out and reflect. I realised I no longer wanted to run at this level but that I wanted to return to the subject of my studies and guide people in their personal development. And so I founded Spark & Pepper.

During the hard times in my life, going out in nature has been my medicine, and helped me heal, grow and transform. This experience is backed up by science, that shows that being in nature helps us recharge and connect to ourselves and the world that surrounds us. In my mountain retreats and back to nature events, I combine Reiki healing, counseling and being outdoors to allow profound healing and personal growth.

I have personally used all the methods I propose to heal, grow and transform. I've lived through hard times myself and I honestly believe that these eventful times eventually help you grow. For me, it was Reiki that was the game changer, more than everything else I tried. I was truly amazed by what just one treatment can do! It was through Reiki that I came out more real, pure and whole, and I realised that this is what I want for you too. That's why I'm working as a Reiki healer and continue to be flabbergasted by the results my clients have. Honestly.

So here I am. Helping you listen to your inner voice, reconnect to your inner power, and heal things you didn't know need healing. So that you can live freely and boldly. Wholeheartedly and intentionally. So that you're no longer holding yourself back but can live and lead with confidence, ease and peace.

I believe in you.


I believe that people can get more out of life and themselves.

Not necessarily by doing more but instead by being more aligned with who they truly are. I often see people holding themselves back and play small. I believe everyone has a true power, and that living aligned with who you are and what you find important is meaningful, fulfilling, gives satisfaction, and energy. Spark & Pepper's mission is to help you add a bit of pepper and a lot of sparks to your life. Sparks and peppers that stay, that you'll still feel in a few years time. Every day. 

I'm driven to bring Positive. Authentic. Impact.
Which is why my mountain retreat programme, and the 1:1 coaching+Reiki both include 3 months of coaching. To really really help you change, transform and grow. I'm here to bring out the best in you. So that your life feels light again. Positive and bright.



Graduated humanistic councellor & coach
I’m a graduated humanistic counsellor & coach by having a BA + MA in Humanistic Studies. This means that I’m specialised in coaching and guiding people with life processes and existential questions, for which I studied 7.5 years. The core of my work has always been to nudge people towards living their authentic life.

International Mountain Leader (Accompagnateur en Moyenne Montagne)
I'm an International Mountain Leader, and during my Mountain Retreats and Back to Nature hikes I guide you on some of the best trails the French Alps have to offer.

Reiki Master
I experienced myself that we don't get there so quickly and profoundly by just talking about it. Reiki allows me to work on deep energetic levels. We can get to deeper layers, and maybe you weren't aware that they existed or were holding you back. Reiki allows us to heal physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

I believe we all need a tribe - a group of like-minded cheerleaders.
I have always worked with groups as a trainer, teacher and retreat facilitator, and simply love working with groups (I am the author of the book ‘Group Conversations'). People in the same group help and mirror each other, find each other in their stories, and motivate each other. Sometimes our personal journey can feel quite a lonely battle but the support of like-minded cheerleaders makes all of a difference. My retreats offer exactly that.

Coaching approach


My support is comprehensive, thorough, and provides in-depth insights.
The methods I use are designed to help you transform these insights into habits from which you will benefit every day. I have tried and applied all of them myself. I am my number 1 testcase, always eager to grow. My intention is always to help you grow too, and to get lasting results so that your life will be meaningful and fulfilling.